Adverse food reactions in dogs and cats

At Elmubas Petfoodgroup, we specialise in dog and cat food recipes, and we want to help you to take care of your pet.

Today, let’s talk about adverse food reactions and specifically food allergies.

Adverse food reactions can appear as a result of the ingestion of a food, ingredient or additive and can be non-immunological (intolerances, poisonings, or indiscretions) or immunological (food allergies).

This means that when we talk about food allergies, we are referring to a type of adverse reaction to food, whose most common symptom is that the animal scratches itself.

Food allergens are small proteins that can stimulate our pet’s immune system and consequently cause a hypersensitivity response.

The treatment and diagnosis of food allergy is based on identifying and avoiding in the patient’s food the allergen triggering the hypersensitivity.

Tags: diet, pets
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