Elmubas Petfoodgroup: Towards a true Circular Economy

At Elmubas Petfoodgroup, concepts such as “sustainability” or “circular economy” are not just a mere fad, but a real commitment to our environment. We simply could not develop our activity if we did not firmly believe in a greener and more conscious future for generations to come.

Between October 2023 and February 2024 we have participated in the Urola Zirkularra project, with the aim of identifying, assessing and prioritising new opportunities and market niches associated with the circular economy.

Our ambition is to strengthen our role as a native circular company and to position ourselves as a relevant player in the evolution of the petfood sector towards sustainability. We wish to contribute to the reuse of surpluses generated by the activity of other sectors in order to achieve “zero waste”.

During these months of work we have identified three development lines that articulate our initiatives in terms of Circular Economy:

  1. Ecodesign of packaging and formulations. We prioritize sustainable materials and extending the product lifetime. This also facilitates export to our customers in distant markets.
  2. Reduction of the carbon footprint. We apply circular and efficient production. We reduce energy consumption and our carbon footprint is registered in the Register of footprint, compensation and CO2 absorption projects.
  3. Zero waste. We work to ensure the correct management, minimisation and recovery of waste. We close the production cycle and give a new useful life to surpluses from other sectors.

Alongside these three lines of work, at Elmubas we have committed ourselves to internally generating a “circular culture” throughout our organisation. We approach sustainability from a holistic perspective and dedicate specific resources to it: we have specific qualified staff and an ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) manager.

As a company, we are proud to share with our community our environmental achievements and our evolution on this road to sustainability. Through a series of posts on this blog, we will report on our progress and concrete actions to continue improving for the benefit of the planet.

The Urola Zirkularra project has been developed in collaboration between Iraurgi Berritzen and Uggasa, Development and Innovation Agencies of the counties of Urola Erdia and Urola Garaia, within the “PYME Circular” programme, thanks to the funding received by the Basque Government through IHOBE, the Public Society for Environmental Management. In addition, expert advice has been provided by B+I Strategy.

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