Our T-shirt for the XV Companies Race: a design by MIkel Uribetxeberria inspired by Moby Dick

After months of training together, we participated in the XV Carrera de Empresas in Donostia. One of the things that made us most excited was to debut the t-shirt designed by Mikel Uribetxeberria, inspired by a phrase from the book Moby Dick:

The place we are looking for is not down on any map; True places never are.

This is how Mikel presented the T-shirt to us:

Mountain running, sport, life itself or business philosophy, are like a journey, and to get to special places you have to leave the maps and leave the route to discover new places and create new situations, it is a personal journey, as is the sport. 

United to the map and the sea, the different mountains of Euskal Herria come out of the topographic maps and cut from the “contour lines” appear as islands at the bottom of the T-shirt, indicating the mountain and the height of each island. 

In addition, the T-shirt features our corporate blue with two blues – going from a darker to a lighter one – that refer to the sky and the sea, again from the book Moby Dick and the voyage.

As a company, we fully identify with this vision that leads us to investigate and always go one step further in the search for innovation. We’d like to think that our customers share this journey with us and that we offer them all our knowledge so that they too can go further and further.

Of course, we will continue training and we will continue focusing on constant improvement in pet food.

We don’t stop!

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