We collaborate in encouraging health and wellbeing of persons.

Green Policy
At Elmubas Petfoodgroup we are aware that every activity implies a responsibility towards the environment and for this reason we have established sustainability as a central axis of our business strategy.
Registry of Footprint, Compensation and CO2 Absorption Projects
As a first step in our environmental commitment, and with regard to greenhouse gas emissions, we have worked on identifying and measuring the points in our production process that could have an impact. To this end, we have calculated and registered our carbon footprint in scopes 1 and 2 with MITECO (Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge).

ISO 14001 Certification
We have implemented an Environmental Management System in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 14001 standard. This allows us to systematise, in a simple way, the environmental aspects generated in each of the activities we carry out. We also promote environmental protection and pollution prevention from a balanced point of view with socio-economic aspects.
Partnership programmes
That’s why we collaborate with DYA to promote the social integration of people at risk of social exclusion.

Code of Ethics
This Code of Ethics is to establish the guidelines that must govern the ethical behaviour of all Elmubas Petfoodgroup administrators and employees in their daily routine, and in those respecting relationships and interactions with all their groups of interest. These being other employees, clients, suppliers and external collaborators, shareholders, public and private institutions, and the general public.

Ethical channel
On 1/12/23, the Organisation’s Management published an Ethics Channel on the following link https://elmubas.com/CanalEtico/ on its corporate website so that any stakeholder can make anonymous reports of any criminal offence or breach of the Code of Ethics. This Channel is aligned with the technical and formal requirements set out in Law 2/2023, of 20th February, regulating the protection of persons who report breaches of regulations and the fight against corruption. In addition, both the Internal Information System Policy and the Information Management Procedure related to this Channel are published.